
"After two years of work, this video is finally here, and it feels like the right time to share it. M.I.A. and I wanted to reflect a world that’s become disturbingly numb to chaos. A place where disasters and violence barely make us flinch anymore. But more than that, we wanted to offer something meaningful: a message of hope and a reminder that change is still possible. This one means a lot to me, and I hope it resonates with you too.”

Director: Quentin Deronzier
Producer: @la_pac @annasunwalker
Line producer: @robin.lavaud
Cinematographer: @paulozgur
VFX: @monumental_fx @flaurre & Vitaliy Havrylyuk
Local production: @taprodgroup
Editor: Hugo Beron & @quentinkwiat (IceCream)
SFX: Felower

Behind the scenes


Maluma x Google